Define or Defy

Author: gaucho Page 4 of 5

Cycling Tips

Cycling so far has given me a bucket load of memories which I will cherish forever. Besides being a very sociable activity, it is considered by many as a full body workout. Calorie burner I mean. Cycling has also many other benefits. 
I’ll put down all that I’ve learned so far in the 6 months of cycling I have done so that you will know beforehand what to expect and prepare accordingly.

Note: This will be a brief post and I won’t be going into the mechanics of cycling. If you contradict with any of the below mentions, please leave a comment below. I will be more than glad to rectify myself.

Accessories for Bikes:

When you first start cycling, more than the pain in your legs and thighs (as you would expect) the pain in your shoulders, neck, spine, wrists and buttocks will be greater. If you start taking precautions early, you’ll definitely have a smooth experience.

Considering you will be cycling regularly (long and short distances), you have to buy a couple of things.

* First will be a cycling short. Why? When I cycled long distances the only real bothering was the pain in my butt. A real pain in the ass I mean!
The cycling short adds extra padding to your bottom and helps in preventing discomfort and numbness. It might cost you around 500/- to 1500/- for a good one.


* Your head is your most vital organ. You wouldn’t want to risk its safety. So, take time to buy a helmet. Also, the vents in the helmet help in the air flow and your sweating will be reduced. Remember to put a cloth over your hair to prevent hair damage.


* Next would be to buy a pair of gloves so that your palm wont twinge you. I prefer a biker gloves to bicycle gloves. The only problem with biker gloves would be with removing the glove every time you need to use your hands for say eating, handling phone, etc.


* If you are the kind of person who’s concerned about the tan ( I am!!) you need to buy a pair of sleeves and also a face mask to protect from the sunlight.

* To carry essential things like some fruits/nuts, phone, keys etc you either should have a rider shirt (which has pockets) or a light weight bag.


If you are tight on the pocket, of all the things mentioned above a helmet would be sufficient. Rest of them you can buy eventually depending on your commitment to the sport. I use a helmet, a pair of biker gloves, my laptop bag and a hand kerchief as a face mask.


Cycling Types :


There are different types of cycles suited for different reasons. For starters, hybrid bike would be a good choice and a good one would cost you 10,000 to 15,000 in INR.

* Single Speed Bikes : These are the regular bikes we see. They don’t have gears. Suitable for casual ride and exhausting on longer ones. I presently own a single speed bike. Bike1.jpg

* Mountain Bikes (MTB) : These are the bikes best known for off roading. It can handle all types of terrains.


* Road Bikes : These are the bikes on which fastest speed can be achieved due to their light weightedness, build dynamics and flatter tyres.Bike3.jpg

* Hybrid Bikes : As the name suggests these are bikes built for both on road (good surfaces) and off road (uneven and rocky surfaces).Bike4.jpg

Shifting Gears:


Note 1 :  Might be confusing if you never looked at a gear cycle.
Note 2 : 2-7 means 2nd gear on the front and 7th gear on the back.
Cycle Gear.jpg

Moving on now, what you need to know is how to efficiently shift the gears. If you do it correctly, then you can easily cover long distances without any fatigue. This is what helped me. (with respect to 3front gear + 7rear gear).

* Always shift the gears while in pedalling motion. Do not shift when your legs are stationary.
* Never have a higher front gear(3) and a lower rear gear(1,2,3) or a lower front gear(1) and a higher rear gear(5,6,7). This will create a lot of tension in the chain and it might break. But, for the front gear of 2 you can use the rear gear range from 1-7.
* Never shift directly from 3-7 to 2-7. Go down from 3-7 to 3-5 and then shift to 2-5 and then move to 2-7. Applicable vice versa for moving from 2-7 to 3-7.
When it’s Uphill :

Shift your gears down to 2-5/2-6(front gear-rear gear) 10-20metres before the incline.
If you shift early, then you wouldn’t face the extra effort you’d have to put when you shift late.

As you go up the incline shift to 2-4/2-3/2-2 based on your requirement. If it’s gets too uphill, shift the front gear down to 1.

When it’s Downhill :

Shift slowly from 2-x to 3-5 by the top of the slope. From there on, shift from 3-5 to 3-6 to 3-7. Though you might feel like just letting go, cycle hard in the slope. It makes a lot of difference in the pace you maintain. Trust me.**

Other things to remember :

* To prevent shoulder and back pain, you need to position your back properly. Check online videos for proper posture. Also proper pedal positioning and saddle height are very important.

* Always use your rear brake predominantly and use front brake only when it’s completely necessary.
When you use the front brake suddennly shift your body weight on to the rear wheel by moving your lower body to the back positioning it in the air.

* When I ride long distances, I usually listen to podcasts so that I focus on what’s being spoken and this takes away the pain from my mind. I rode 166km on an MTB for the first time with podcasts playing a major part towards the end. ( I love you Tim Ferriss).

*  Don’t eat anything heavy before riding. Check for proper chain and air leaks.

Thanks to the Hyderabad Bicycling Club I’ve been cycling consistently for the past 6 months and completed 1500 km. My goal for the next one year would be 5000 km.
So, when are you going to cycle?

Hey there, check out this Youtube channel for proper guidance on cycling. Also check Meetup for cycling clubs near you. If you found this blogpost useful please like and put a comment below and also share it with your friends. Thank You!!

Foot Notes :

* Image Courtesy : Google
** Considering you would want the fastest time.

Take Your Time

One of my favourite writers on Quora, Nicolas Cole once wrote in an answer “You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Don’t Worry. “. And he’s absolutely right.

Let me give you a couple of excerpts from my life.

** This was back in Dec’15 and I was at a family get together. My cousin from U.S.A asked me what my hobbies were. I was completely stumped by that question and I didn’t have an answer to that. With a hesitation, I replied “I don’t have any”. I really didn’t get anything else to say. He snickered and asked me “How come you don’t have any hobbies”. His chuckle embarrassed me. To be honest, I didn’t have much of a hobby back then. I played football, badminton, sudoku and chess but not frequently to be considered a hobby. So, I responded with a lie. “Well I’m into programming”, I said. The remaining conversation? Too trivial to remember.

** Moving forward to Feb’16. The same question from my brother’s friend. I was better prepared this time. “I blog about chess and web applications”… I lied with a smile on my face.

** My English teacher asked me if I would like to be the Master of Ceremonies/Anchor at one of my college events in my 2nd year of college. I was a bit doubtful of the proposition as I was a very shy and timid person. I don’t have it in me to speak in front of an audience, I thought. I denied.

** Our college did not have a proper football team when I just joined. We formed a team and participated in three tournaments in a period of 12 months. And the results were 0-4, 0-2 and 0-1. Our team never scored a goal.
Too many Failures? Read ahead.

Fast forward to June’17

** Eventually I cultivated some hobbies.
I finally started writing for my blog (Nope. Not about chess and web applications).
I am cycling regularly. Two rides a week at the least. Close to completing 1500kms since Dec’16.
I’m in love with podcasts and books. My favourite is The Tim Ferriss Show  and I’m averaging about 3 books per month.

** Our Football team won its first match on 30th March’17 followed by another win the next day. Felt amazing. ( Didn’t make it to the finals though).

** I also got the chance to introduce our chief guest on our college’s annual day. Finally got to speak in front of an audience. Also giving more presentations in my class and attending many Toastmaster events.
Along with these I also visited the state of Rajasthan three months back. Alone. My first solo trip.

These may not be too grand to call as success but I am proud that I’m making progress. A little late compared to my peers but I’m in no hurry 😊.
Take your time. Don’t rush your life. Things will happen at their own course. Don’t compare yourself or your life with that of others. Everyone is running a different race.

Now stop for a second. Get up from your chair, go to trash can and dump everything I just said in the last 10 seconds. Done?
One thing you should always remember and never forget is that Life is what you make of it. I accept that circumstances [Schooling, College, Friend Circle] play their part, but you need to digest the fact that it always has been and will be so on YOU!! Results are never in our hand, but efforts always are.

I’ll relate again.

** The first time somebody questioned me about my hobbies, I should have introspected and started investing my time in a better way. Cultivating some hobbies. Probably guitar, dance or even beatboxing.
Which I didn’t.

** After refusing the offer by my English teacher I should have taken the time to improve my presentation skills, dialogue delivery and body language.
Which I didn’t.

** When our team lost the first match we should have analysed our game, practised more often and done all the things which would have made us better.
Which I didn’t.

I left all of them to chance.

Life belongs to the prepared. “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation” – Arthur Ashe.
** You should not rush through life. But you should seek to be a better version of yourself each and every day. Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.

** Things will happen at their own course. But you should not leave everything to chance. Even the Gita preaches to never focus on the results but to focus on the efforts. For example, I can’t expect my blog to go viral or reach XXX number of views. But I can put my daily effort into writing, say 500 words per day.

** Don’t compare yourself or your life with others. But you need to know where you stand. What skills the world would be requiring? How can you make yourself more useful? . You should know what strengths you can capitalise on and the weakness to work on.

** Everyone is running a different race. So study their mistakes. Don’t make them. Try to learn something from everyone. Develop a lattice work of mental models.*(1)
You are what you think you are.
You are what you do.
You are what you make of your time.

My next goals?
** A great university after graduation.

** 5000Km on cycle by June’18.

** 250 Blog posts by June’18.

** Make it to at least one football final by the end of the year.

** Work upon the mobile applications which I have been postponing upon.

And I sure as hell won’t leave them to chance.

Hey there, Nicolas Cole is one of my favourite writes on Quora and I look up to him. Do check out his profile and his answers. Very helpful and very insightful. And also please do like and comment on this article below and also share them with your friends and family if you liked it. Thank you 😊

Foot Notes:

(1) Mental Models of Charles Munger


15 Day Daily Blogging Challenge

December 3rd was the day I started my blog and it has been six months now. It’s time for some introspection. How has the progress been? Pretty awful I would say.
6 Months and 8 Blog Posts- meaning 1 blog post per month. That’s pretty bad, right?! And 5 out of 8 written in the month of May. More like cluttering all of them at once. Even my close friend and confidant (and the only subscriber to this blog post) chided me for being irregular. What I’m looking for is consistency without compromising on the quality.

I’ll share my blog’s stats with you. Embarrassing!!Capture.PNG

Why am I sharing this with you?
Let’s go the Simon Sinek way with WHY, HOW and WHAT

WHY am I doing this challenge?

Public Accountability. I haven’t really publicised my blog much. A handful of my friends know about this and 1 or 2 might be reading it. Once I do this challenge, at the very least most of my friends and acquaintances would take a look at this. That would mean I have this unspoken thrust to keep my word. My word of being consistent about my blogging. A bit scary. Yes!
But let me move out of my comfort zone. *takes deep breath*

How am I doing this challenge?

I will publicise this particular blog post across social media – Keeping it as my Whatsapp display picture and posting stories of daily progress on Whatsapp and Instagram.
All this was inspired by the Stickk approach :
* My GOAL : To post at least one blog post every day from June 14th to June 28th. A total of 15 blogposts at the minimum.
* SET THE STAKES : In case I miss posting a blog post on any day, I promise to send 50/- on PayTM to whoever observes that I missed it. I think 50/- is a reasonable amount.
*GET A REFEREE : My close friend would be the referee in this challenge seeing that I would not miss my daily deadline. Yes Coach!!
* ADD FRIENDS FOR SUPPORT : I would be really glad if you guys can leave a comment or share the articles which you like (and also ones which you didn’t) with your friends for added motivation.


What am I going to post in this challenge?

I have a lot of drafts to be completed which have been pending since December. A lot of interesting ideas too. Content has always been there. It’s the execution that matters. I’m positive that I won’t disappoint you with the quality.
Finally, I would really love if you help me get better in writing by
* suggesting edits/improvements in grammar and sentence formation
* commenting your thoughts on the blogposts you read
* sharing the posts with your friends and family

Hey there, do you have a goal on which you are not acting upon and keep procrastinating? It’s high time you started realising on your goals.
Try the Stickk approach. Very unique, very efficient and very rewarding.

Back to Fiction

It’s been a long time since I read a fiction book. The last one was John Grisham’s The Firm back in December. It was a very riveting read and reminded me of the series Suits. The one before that…I don’t remember. I got so engrossed in reading one Non-Fiction book after another and also Biographies that I casually put fiction at the back. Zero to One, Hooked, Personal MBA etc were some of the finest books I have read. You feel you are learning a lot (and you are) when you read a Non-Fiction, equipping yourself for the real world and that is quite addictive. Finally, after a gap of 6months I read two novels in a week. The first was Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer and the other being Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon and both of them being the crème de la crème of the novels I have read. Both being thrillers, I was completely hooked.

Kane and Abel (No Spoilers)

* The plot is about two characters who are born on the same day at different places. The 1st third of the novel covers the journey of protagonists through their childhood and teens. The tragedies they meet with will move you. It ends with both of them facing each other the first time and the start of their rivalry which goes on till the end. The 2nd third involves their individual success journey and midlife, respective marriages and some major confrontations between them. The final third involves a subplot concerning their children and the last major showdown between them.
* Jeffrey Archer doesn’t hurry in building the main characters- Kane and Abel. He carefully crafts their persona and builds them both into equally shrewd gentlemen on the outside but caring and loving on the inside and the circumstances that made them that way.
The storytelling covers many facets- Tragedy, Romance, Friendship, Patriotism, Rivalry, Karma, Deceit, Attainment, Love, War and Finally… Peace.
* Tragedies strike early in their childhood at equal points of time. You feel a lot for both the characters and the novel stings you in the heart at places. Be it concerning Abel’s sister and wife or Kane’s parents and best friend. You also realise that the world is very unfair and also very cruel. You have to be on your guard at all times and always have a card up your sleeve. These days, its more about Survival than Success.
* When the subplot concerning their children started, I assumed where it was heading and was a bit let down but my assumptions were wrong. The author maintained the edgy flow right till the end and gives a more than satisfactory climax.
* There are many twists in the story, most of them expected and a few unexpected like the war meeting, Kane’s last year at his bank, etc.
On the whole, a very gripping and complete read. I would give it a 4 out of 5

Tell Me Your Dreams (No Spoilers Again)

* The plot is about three main characters and their involvement with 5 murders at different places. In the 1st third, the author takes you through the life of the protagonists-their lifestyle, fears and insecurities and their romantic interests. It ends with the 4 murders happening and mention of a 5th. In the 2nd third, we see a court battle concerning 3 of the murders. The final 3rd involves the setting of a rehabilitation centre as a consequence of the court judgement. The circumstances of all the murders are revealed here. And comes the unexpected final twist and a befitting conclusion.
* In contrast to Kane and Abel, I didn’t quite feel for the characters here. You’ll feel a little bit indifferent to the characters. All of them. Be it the protagonists or the deputy or the lawyer. A less emotionally appealing read on the whole.
* Some settings are not built properly. The courtroom was the most important scene and it seems to be hurried and leaves you unsatisfied.
* There are many twists in the novel. You’ll have expected most of them but the climax is very much unexpected.
* The novel ends with the Author’s note regarding female abuse. Shocking figures regarding them. You see the plight of women, even from the people she trusts.
On the whole, another gripping novel and I would give it a 3.7

The next novels on my reading list are The Murder on Orient Express by Agatha Christie and The Prodigal Daughter by Jeffrey Archer. Back to Fiction indeed!!!

Hey there, if you find it too tasking to read complete books why don’t you read summaries of popular books instead. These are the ones I go across frequently
* Paul Minors

* James Clear

* Booklet App on Google Play Store

* Derek Sivers

And please do Like, Comment and Share this article with your friends if you liked it. THANK YOU!!

The Art of Journaling

“Journal and Notebooks – properly used, are worth their weight in gold.”

Why to Journal:

I strongly believe that if you reflect on your day each and every day, you’ll be more aligned with your goals and your inner conscience.
Journaling helps you see the positive and negative patterns in your life. One also finds some hidden gems and lessons of the day which  wouldn’t have been found without the introspection. Eventually this helps you in your personal growth. And also, it’s your prized possession of your accomplishments, setbacks, wins and losses. Journals are a truck load of memories which you will cherish once you read it after a number of years.


What can you do to Journal:

Daily Journaling is tough. There were days when I slacked and had to write down a week’s journaling in a day. But I now consistently write my diary at the end of the day, no matter how tired I am.

  • First thing would be to buy a good journal. It’s one of the best investments you can make.
  • Try to Journal Daily, preferably in the evening after work. I usually journal twice in a day. Once in the morning and once right before sleeping.
  • In case your diary is not available (Ex: crashing over at a friend’s place, etc), take a sheet of paper. Write the day’s entry and pin it when you get back to your journal.
  • For the Evening Journal.
    When do you sleep?
    Put a timer to ring exactly an hour before. When it does, put away all your devices. Get your journal and sit down. Write your journal for 20mins and read a good book for 40mins.
    If you can’t think of anything, answer these simple Questions.
    Some days, you might be too tired to answer all of them. In that case, just recall your day. Write down the happy moments of the day followed by areas where you could have done better.
  • For the Morning Journal.
    When do you wake up?
    After waking up and brushing, settle down with your Morning Journal at the place wherever you get fresh breeze.

How to Journal:

The Morning Journal is basically a gratitude journal. I started writing it after a suggestion by Tim Ferris in one of his podcast episodes. I follow this format of his.

Morning Journal.PNG

I am grateful for : it may be a relationship, opportunities you’ve had, things you are really thankful for, etc.
What would make today great : make note of the amazing opportunities you have today, the friends you are meeting or the places you are visiting.
Daily affirmations : like ‘ I am very confident’, ‘I am not afraid of …’,etc .


And the Evening Journal has me answering these Questions.

So Far, it’s been an year of consistent Journaling. The big one is my main Journal and the small one is my Morning Journal which I had started this February. This habit is one that I cherish most and will continue doing it.
Don’t postpone. Grab a Diary and start Journaling. I also would love to gift you one if you want :).

Jorunaling 2.jpg


Hey Guys, have you noticed how I divided the article into Why, What and How. This is a famous approach popularized by Simon Sinek. Do check it out. And please Like, Comment and Share this article with your friends if you liked it.

Questions To Ask Yourself Daily

The following set of questions are something I wrote for myself to be questioned at the end of each day. The important thing is to ‘Begin with the end in Mind’. You have to keep these questions at the back of your head during the day. Meaning you should make sure you met one new person today or you make sure that you meditated and so on, so that at the end of the day you don’t have a negative/blank answer for these questions.

  • Recall your day. ( Jot down the major points)
  • One or two uncomfortable things I did today
  • Whom did I meet today for the first time. What did I talk about. How could I have made the conversation better.
  • 2-3 Things I learned today. From whom
  • Whom did I thank today? How?
  • Did I make someone feel better today? How?
  • Who is the old acquaintance I contacted today?
  • Most Inspiring Moment today?
  • Three Big Wins Today
  • Lessons I learned today
  • Amazing things I came across today
  • Thoughts/Ideas/Exercises brainstormed Today
  • Which moments affected me today? How to overcome?
  • Did I make the same mistakes again? How to overcome?
  • Negative thoughts that bothered me today.
  • 3-5 things that I could have done better today

Slight Edge Questions

  • Did I wake up at 4am/5am today?
  • Did I work out today?
  • Did I follow my Diet today – Morning , Afternoon and Evening
  • Did I Meditate today?
  • Did I have dinner with my family today?
  • Did I read at least 1chapter/10 pages of a book today?

Hey Guys, The Slight Edge was one of the most stimulating reads. Get yourself a copy or you can also borrow it from me. You won’t be disappointed 🙂
Please do Like and Comment on the article and also Share it with your friends if you liked it.







Exercises worth trying!!!

Once in a while challenge yourself with some exercise.
These are a must do for me.


    This would be a great exercise which would take 15-30 min a day. Inspired by an article by Shaunta Grimes.
    I always wanted to write and after much deliberation started this blog, but I have been slacking lately. This exercise would serve me two purposes :
    One, forming a daily writing habit. Two, know the in’s and out’s of writing, get better at it.


    Man or Woman. This is a must try exercise. Take a look at it here . Worth trying.
    Who doesn’t want to be a Better Man, silly!!


    Another must try where you don’t complain about anything. If you do, then you try to become aware of it.
    Firstly, you’ll know how much of negative vocabulary you use. Secondly, it will definitely make you more calm. And finally, you focus more on what you can do about something that’s bothering you rather than just complaining.
    I first heard of this on a podcast by Tim Ferris. Take a look at how to proceed here .

Hey Guys, need a good start on mindfulness practice? Take a look at this podcast by TimFerriss . Please do Like and Comment on this article and also Share it with your friends if you liked it.
Thank you!!!

Parkinson’s Law

Ever heard of the Parkinson’s Law?

It says “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”.
If something must be done in a year, it’ll be done in a year. If something must be done next week, it’ll be done next week. If something must be done tomorrow, it’ll be done tomorrow.

This is how it might look.


Maybe the work gets done.

But what about the Quality of it?


For example,
Majority of Engineering students start preparing for their exams a day before. And worse, most of them start a night before. Eventually, their preparation is done. But what about the quality of it.
Another instance where you plan something for your friend’s birthday. But you keep postponing the plan until 1-2 days before. And finally, you skip some things.
You eventually get things done but is the quality of the work the same as you intended it to be?

Both of these have been my personal experiences. Slacking and Procrastinating.

Twinkle Khanna resonates the same in her book “Mrs Funnybones”. The person you become is an aggregate of all the things you did and didn’t.


So, how to overcome these?

  • Use Pomodoro’s : Instead of slacking, sit down for 25min, eliminate all distractions and just start doing stuff. The flow will come.
  • Use Ingvar’s Rule : What would you do if you have only 10min to get something done. If you split your day into 10-min increments, and try to waste as few of those 10-minute increments as possible, you’ll be amazed at what you can get done.
  • Plan Ahead : Have a solid plan for the day so that you don’t face the dilemma of what to do.

Hey Guys, thinking of getting an MBA? Prior to that, grab a copy of Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman where you can learn business concepts like Value Creation and Marketing and also cool stuff like Parkinson’s Law and Ingvar’s Rule.
Please do Like and Comment and also share this article with your friends if you found this helpful.

Quotes I Try To Live By

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain

“Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.
Peter Mcwilliams

Noble and great. Courageous and determined. Faithful and fearless. That is who you are and who you have always been. And understanding it can change your life, because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way.
Sheri Dew

Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage and confidence in the doing.
Theodore Roosevelt

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
Marianne Williamson
The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It’s the same thing, fear, but it’s what you do with it that matters.”
Cus D’Amato

The last quote  is my favorite cause it’s my own .

Only you can Define or Defy your Limits. What are you gonna do Today?  Define or Defy ?
– Gautham Reddy

Best Ice Breaking Activity

Ice Breaking activities usually happen after everyone introduces themselves. What if we have an Ice-Breaking Activity in the introduction itself ?

This revelation came to me when I attended a Microsoft Student Partner Summit [MSP-SUMMIT] in Bits-Pilani this March. All the MSP’s started introducing themselves by telling their names and some additions like their hobbies etc. But by the end of the introductory session, I couldn’t remember at least a quarter of the names of the people. What’s the use then? I then spent some time thinking about it and an Idea struck my Mind.

What if we have an introductory Ice-Breaking activity wherein each person comes forward and performs a set of actions and we then have to guess the name of the person. Exactly like dumb-charades but with our names instead of movies.

It helps in 3 ways :

  • You have a very less likely chance of forgetting the person’s name.
  • You can easily start up a conversation with anyone either by mentioning the action the person did or by suggesting another way to act (in good humor).
  • And its fun to think about the different ways you can charade your name.

Try it out the next time you meet a new set of people. You could propose the same and you’d make a very good first impression for initiating.

Have you heard about Meetup? Excellent platform for you to meet new and like-minded people. I joined the local Toast Masters and Bicycling club through meetup and I had some of the best days of my life.
Please do Like and Comment and also share this article with your friends if you found it useful.

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