Week Summary
- Weekday
=> The start of the week was energetic 🙂 Woke up to comments on the blogposts published late in the night about the Uttari Betta Trek. Also, embarrassing with ‘class vs className’ in plain html 😀
=> With rising omnicorn cases, we were rightly asked to stay back and work from home. A little lazy on the first day but picked up and had pretty great remaining days. Had a live(/stressfull) release ‘Call to Actions’.
=> breaking down the tasks, using the pomodor timer which I got recently helped a lot! Highly recommended! - Weekend
=> finished the long pending application work. Pushed out blogpost on theme for 2022 🙂
=> also pasting charts all over my room with all kinds of things – goals, systems, streaks. Hope the owner doesn’t mind. Better ask for forgiveness rather than permission (and also the paint cost in the end) - Overall
=> Probably a 6/10 again. Work went great and could have been less stress full if not for some old limiting patterns to the fore especially waking up late.

Thought Experiments
- Three series on the blog:
=> ‘How (not)to build a brand’ covering journey of building a brand. Sort of mock startup.
=> ‘Risk Mitigation’ covering things you can do to avoid risks later. Stuff like dvorak keyboard or financial mistakes when young.
=> ‘Challenger Series’ I’ve been wanting to wear a kurta to office inspired by Jayanthi Sampathkumar. Include 11 other challenges as well?
- Kelly Wasaka’s video on Confidence. His other videos are fun too. Man, his confidence!
- Ali Abdaal’s ‘21 Life Lessons I Learned in 2021‘.
- Revisted Micheal Phelps redemption at 2016 Olympics. Always fires me up!
- Something to think on. Varun Mayya’s video on Job switching on higher salaries vs building relationships.
Saved Content
- Instagram
=> Sreenath Lakshmikanth’s video riding along with NJ in Ooty. Been on my wishlist for a while. Go for a week to Ooty, ride in the mornings, work during the day and repeat. - LinkedIn
=> Human’s of Bombay. Journey of a single parent and her children.
=> A post on financial education to children. Something we talked about in the last newsletter 🙂
=> A post on active trading and diversification. Not just in trading, even in jobs if you are diversfied with multiple income streams, you would be more confident and not just a yes man!
=> Ankur Warikoo’s journey from almost no cash
Photo Bomb
Still haven’t gotten the Pixel 5a 🙂 and this is the only photo from last week.
No, it’s not 4:48 am. That’s the pomodoro timer I was talking about. Wake up hack has been putting on a timer for 10minutes and just staying awake 🙂
(and also munching on a banana with some overnight soaked almonds)

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