Define or Defy

Month: January 2022

A Glimpse of my Journey Into Spirituality

Have you ever got high on meditation?
I did! Let me share how!

Back in November 2021, I was going through a rough phase. What’s funny is there wasn’t even a specific reason. Just immense sadness looming over me at the end of the day. 

Clearly, it was time for me to retrospect. 
At this very time everything about the ashram(Isha Foundation, Coimbatore) was calling me. I knew I had to take the next step towards deepening my sadhana. I looked up at the next available program.
I enrolled. Luckily I got in.

It clearly looked like a time I take the next step towards deepening my I went in with no expectations. Just None. I want to completely give myself to the process and let it touch me. That’s how it is, really! You can’t go seeking for a spiritual process to gain something.
The whole process is about losing the ‘self’ so you can experience the ‘universal’.

The Journey So far

The Trigger

When I was 20, my neighbor passed away in a road accident. He was only 22. And he was gone. In a moment.

That incident shook me. Just yesterday he was here and today he’s gone.  It stirred within the longing to know what life is about and what is it that we’re truly seeking? That’s how I embarked on my spiritual journey.

Daily Routines

So my daily routine involves two things.

  1. A morning routine of 90 mins
    => An hour of sadhana, and 30 mins yoga, gratitude practice.
  2. In the evening again, I spend 30 mins or more doing my sadhana.
    => Sadhana literally translates into a tool. A tool that can enhance your perception and enables your growth.
    => These include meditation/yoga practice/breathwork/chanting etc.

Programs Attended So Far

All of the below from Isha foundation

  1. Inner Engineering.
  2. Shoonya
  3. Bhutha Shuddi
  4. Hatha yoga

The Retreat at Isha

What is the retreat about

  1. Shonnya intensive is an advanced meditation program at Isha Foundation.
    It is a 4 day, completely residential program at Isha Yoga centre.
    Shoonya literally translates to “Nothingness”.
  2. In this program,, you will be taught a powerful breath related yogic practice called “Shakti Chalana Kriya” and also be initiated into Shoonya meditation. 
  3. These powerful tools fuel your life energies, helping you live a full fledging life and be exuberant.

Prerequisite: The prerequisite for this program is to do Inner Engineering and regular practice of Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya, a 21 minute meditation.

The Experience

My experience of Shoonya intensive was priceless. In 4 days I gained so much in terms of depth and experience of life than I did in 4 months. I urge you to go experience it.
Cause every individual’s experience is subjective. 

Three Memorable moments:

  1. The sattvic food that we ate mindfully everyday throughout the program was a meditation in itself. Absolutely loved it.
  2. Being in the ashram, cut off from the world for 4 days with no electronics and fully submerging myself with the life around, the trees, birds, mountains, and being one with life.
  3. The warmth and love of the volunteers and ishangas that conducted the program. They took care of us throughout the program nothing short of how a mother would!

Three Things to Not Forget:

I thought I could have been more prepped for the program if I had:

  1. Practiced living mindfully in the present from atleast 2 weeks prior to the program
  2. Made sure to take sport shoes as there would be games involved. 
  3. Quit eating dairy/non-veg/packaged food 1 week in prior to the program and include at least 15-20% of the raw food in my diet.

The Journey Ahead

For now all my focus is on living today as the ultimate day. Focus on doing my sadhana today without missing it and give my 100% in every task I come across today. 
Cause you see tomorrow is never promised.

My tip to your spiritual journey:

  1. Start with an open mindset.
  2. Observe every path or practice you come across. Be patient with the process.
  3. Avoid jumping to conclusions quickly.

Final Thoughts

There are variety of spiritual practices and gurus to follow these days. I don’t know what works for you.

Inner Engineering designed by Sadhguru is what worked for me. And I can’t even emphasize on how much it has worked for me. Try enrolling in inner engineering completion program, do the practice consistently and see for yourself. Then we’ll talk πŸ™‚ 

I truly hope you find what you’re seeking. πŸ™πŸ˜Š

About the Author:

Veena Sunkari was supposed to be your regular everyday engineer.
But she took the road less travelled and is now a professional chef.
Always full of enthusiasm and positive vibes, you’re sure to leave in a blissful state after interacting with her.
You can find more of her work on Instagram at Veena Sunkari

SOLID Principles

Why SOLID Principles

  1. When software grows, it becomes rigid, fragile, immobile, and viscous. This needs to be prevented.
  2. broad goal of the SOLID principles is to reduce dependencies so that engineers change one area of software without impacting others.
  3. Also, make designs easier to understand, maintain, and extend
  4. And, build adaptive, effective, and agile software.

What are SOLID Principles

  • popular set of design principles that are used in object-oriented software development
  • developed by Robert C. Martin in a 2000 essay, β€œDesign Principles and Design Patterns
  1. S: Single Responsibility Principle
    => “A class should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job.”
  2. O: Open-Closed Principle
    => “Objects or entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.
    => This means that a class should be extendable without modifying the class itself.
  3. L: Liskov Substitution Principle
    => “Let q(x) be a property provable about objects of x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
  4. I: Interface Segregation Principle
    => “A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use, or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use.”
  5. D: Dependency Inversion Principle
    => “Entities must depend on abstractions, not on concretions. It states that the high-level module must not depend on the low-level module, but they should depend on abstractions.”

Weekly Reflections #2

Week Summary

  1. Weekday
    => The start of the week was energetic πŸ™‚ Woke up to comments on the blogposts published late in the night about the Uttari Betta Trek. Also, embarrassing with ‘class vs className’ in plain html πŸ˜€
    => With rising omnicorn cases, we were rightly asked to stay back and work from home. A little lazy on the first day but picked up and had pretty great remaining days. Had a live(/stressfull) release ‘Call to Actions’.
    => breaking down the tasks, using the pomodor timer which I got recently helped a lot! Highly recommended!
  2. Weekend
    => finished the long pending application work. Pushed out blogpost on theme for 2022 πŸ™‚
    => also pasting charts all over my room with all kinds of things – goals, systems, streaks. Hope the owner doesn’t mind. Better ask for forgiveness rather than permission (and also the paint cost in the end)
  3. Overall
    => Probably a 6/10 again. Work went great and could have been less stress full if not for some old limiting patterns to the fore especially waking up late.

Thought Experiments

  1. Three series on the blog:
    => ‘How (not)to build a brand’ covering journey of building a brand. Sort of mock startup.
    => ‘Risk Mitigation’ covering things you can do to avoid risks later. Stuff like dvorak keyboard or financial mistakes when young.
    => ‘Challenger Series’ I’ve been wanting to wear a kurta to office inspired by Jayanthi Sampathkumar. Include 11 other challenges as well?



  1. Kelly Wasaka’s video on Confidence. His other videos are fun too. Man, his confidence!
  2. Ali Abdaal’s ‘21 Life Lessons I Learned in 2021‘.
  3. Revisted Micheal Phelps redemption at 2016 Olympics. Always fires me up!
  4. Something to think on. Varun Mayya’s video on Job switching on higher salaries vs building relationships.

Saved Content

  1. Instagram
    => Sreenath Lakshmikanth’s video riding along with NJ in Ooty. Been on my wishlist for a while. Go for a week to Ooty, ride in the mornings, work during the day and repeat.
  2. LinkedIn
    => Human’s of Bombay. Journey of a single parent and her children.
    => A post on financial education to children. Something we talked about in the last newsletter πŸ™‚
    => A post on active trading and diversification. Not just in trading, even in jobs if you are diversfied with multiple income streams, you would be more confident and not just a yes man!
    => Ankur Warikoo’s journey from almost no cash

Photo Bomb

Still haven’t gotten the Pixel 5a πŸ™‚ and this is the only photo from last week.

No, it’s not 4:48 am. That’s the pomodoro timer I was talking about. Wake up hack has been putting on a timer for 10minutes and just staying awake πŸ™‚
(and also munching on a banana with some overnight soaked almonds)

What’s Up 2022? Reskilling and Upskilling


  1. Start of a New Decade
  2. SkillUp#2022
  3. Goals and Spheres
  4. Systems
  5. Trackers
  6. End Note

Start of a New Decade

Last Year I had 2 Big Goals:

1. Make a job switch to a sphere where I want to build my career capital in.
2. Prepare well for Telangana State Cycling Road Championships.

And how did they go?

  1. Job switch went great. I moved from an MNC to a young tech startup in the health/fitness space – a combination I want to continue on. It was very discomforting in the initial months and only now am I finding some foothold.
  2. I lagged on this one. Classical mistake of one goal clashing with the other. There was always hesitation in going for long rides vs spending that time prepping up for interviews.
    Also, I had to make my presence at the Bangalore office the weekend of State Championships. That makes it two misses of the State Champs in a row. Nevertheless, I was fitter than before πŸ™‚

As I was reflecting in December upon the goals and systems to be set forth for 2022, the thought of having a theme around this sounded great. And came up with the very unintelligent hashtag ..


Two books that have had the biggest influence on me in the last two years have been

  1. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
  2. How to Fail At Almost Everything but Still Win Big by Scott Adams

The book by Cal has the tag of ‘Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love‘. In short, you need to skill up and first provide value to the world. Also, watch this short reel by Furqan which beautifully captures the book’s core idea.

And Scott, in his book mentions (good + good > excellent). Some recommend going deeper in one subject and doubling down on it and being a craftsman like Book 1 says. But currently, Book 2’s idea appeals more to me πŸ˜€

The whole intention is to select skills I want to get good at, commit to learning, show up every day and track the progress. We can think of this as a 2 year Masters’s course not in an MBA or an MS, but in #SkillUp.

Also, writing these down helps me with 3 things:
1. Track my progress, ups, and downs, learning from them and, overall, capture the journey.
2. Get help from people, get connected to people who might know fast-lanes on achieving goals.
**Third and most importantly**
3. Clarity on the next steps. There are far too many things to do and I end up doing nothing. Writing these down makes me filter through the noise and focus. Having action steps not more than 3-5. 3 being the magic number.

So what are the ones in focus for this year?

Goals and Systems

In List:

  1. ReactJS/Golang
  2. Programming Principles
  3. SoftSkills/Language
  4. Instrument/Game
  5. Books/Resources
  6. Grooming
  1. React JS/Golang
    => I’ve been a data/backend engineer primarily working on Python till last June. And I’ve started working on end-end modules in ReactJS and Golang/NodeJs on our product and I’m loving it. Will double down on this
  2. Programming Principles
    => I’ve finished my graduation with a degree in Computer Science but I must admit, I haven’t done full justice to my degree πŸ™‚
    => Goal here is to internalize the good programming practices, concepts and behaviors. Ex: Clean Code, Clean Coder.

    *For (1) and (2)*
    => Goals: Certifications? Interviews? Still defining an end goal.
    => Systems: 100Days of Code. 3 Times this year.
  3. SoftSkills/Language
    => Focus here would be on modules like small talk, maintaining energy and confidence, proper voice technique, etc.
    => also learn Kannada πŸ™‚
    => Goals: Give a speech in Kannada TM? Open mic in Kannada?
    => Systems: Talk only in Kannada? Talk with one stranger everyday? Track those and next steps?
  4. Instrument/Game
    => This has been on the wish list for so long. The goal is to be able to have a jamming session with my dear friend Swathi Peddi whom we’ve had on our blog before.
    => Choice of the game would be between Chess and Rubik’s cube. Since we have 3-4 Rubik’s at the office, let me put this up the list for a couple of months πŸ™‚
    => Goals: Jamming session with a friend. Redbull speedcubing competition.
    => Systems: Still defining this
  5. Books/Resources
    => Three prong goal here
    [ Internalize old classics, More science fiction, and continue reading πŸ™‚ ]
    => Goals: 12 classics, 12 sci-fi, 12 new books. Document podcasts, blogs, videos I’ve consumed.
    => Systems: Reading Sci-fi 15 minutes before sleeping.
  6. Grooming
    => The goal is to grow some muscle and cut down fat. Yep. The same old boring goals. But commit to a 5-year journey of strength training 3-4 times a week along with solidifying healthy food habits.
    => Couple this along with the usual grooming stuff πŸ™‚
    => Goals: Abs by Dec 16
    => Systems: Still defining these. Workout sessions every day.

In Spheres:

The above 9 can be split into 3 spheres and more unintelligent hashtags:

A] #KoffeeNKode
i.e. Level up as a full-stack developer. Top 25% | (1, 2)

B] #ProduceNotConsume
i.e. Hit Content Creation Goals (3, 4, 5)

C] #GetShredded
i.e. Abs by Dec 16 maybe πŸ™‚ ? (6)


  1. #KoffeeNKode
  2. #ProduceNotConsume
  3. #GetShredded

β€œThe goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader. The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner. The goal is not to learn an instrument, the goal is to become a musician.

This year, focus on the identity you want to build.”

James clear in Atomic habits

Tracking would be through using Notion, Google Docs/Sheets along with #SkillUp2022 section in weekly newsletter.

I will also keep tracking the numbers of sessions done per day and transition into #DeepWork hours soon.

End Note

I have had the usual cliched goals since ever. 90% in I.C.S.E boards, crack BITSAT exam, grab a high-paying job in FAANG. But I have to admit, I did not have the work ethic to back it up. One for sure has to work now or later and the earlier he does, the better the compounding. β€œJhak aaj maaro ya kal, maarni toh padegi hi.”

Let 2022 be know for the hours put in, work ethic with deep work and stacking these skills up!

A Day Trek to Uttari Betta

Preparation and the Night Before

Unlike the usual weekends of planning to do ‘productive things’, wanted to shift that a bit and also start New Year with a fresh breeze. Booked the slot on Friday morning to Uttari Betta with Bangalore Mountaineering Club. Don’t expect more details about the trek. You’ll get it in the above link πŸ™‚

After a late night binging on comedy movies and putting 3-5 alarms on different device; woke up at 5 am; showers and formalities, had the usual [oats+whey+banana] meal and made a peanut butter sandwich. I was getting late and didn’t want other to wait for me and in the hurry, I wore my road-running shoes instead of a more trek suitable one. Realized only after reaching the pickup point. Hoped they would withstand the torture. Pickup was at around 7:05 am and I got the last but one seat.

Bus Journey and Breakfast

Having forgotten my pen, made unsuccessful attempts at getting a quick nap till the breakfast point around 8:15 am. Have good conversation with Mr. Patil, Prasthuthi and Abdul while having Idli and a coffee. Post breakfast, asked Supriya-our trek leader for a pen. (I promise I’ll return this back in the next trek we meet) And till the remainder of the bus journey, kept uncluttering my monkey mind and got so many thoughts. Really felt rejuvenated already!

Also, the bus journey was kind of a warmup to the trek with the jumps and bumps at every pothole! πŸ˜€

Start of Trek till the Peak

Reached the trek spot around 10:30 and after climbing up a bit we all had our introductions πŸ™‚ and a brief about the trek from our other trek leader Praveen. Then continued trekking up and started conversing with Aditya and reached pitstop 1 at a temple after 30 minutes.
Aditya knows rule #54 of trekking. Add value first by asking to click a picture and only then ask a picture of yourself πŸ˜€ Good number of pictures and loitering around.

We then made our way to the peak through dry grasslands and reached the peak. The trek leaders split us into two groups where the first stopped to have lunch and the second went to a nearby cave and that’s when I realized I had dropped my jacket somewhere and rushed to find it. finally found it at the start of the dry grassland trail.

Started having lunch of Khichdi and Raiti provided by the team while conversing on Covid spreading, rock formations and trek food ideas πŸ˜€

Once the first group were back, the rest of us went to climb inside the cave and what an experience it was. Twisting ankles, waist, neck while unsuccessfully trying to brush away the thought of 127 Hours happening. Upon reaching the peak, heard Aniket mentioned the same movie πŸ˜€ After feeling the cool breeze for a while, we cheered on as Mrs. Prakash and Mr&Mrs. Patil made their way up. Inspiring! The way back down was easier. Phew!

Descent and Bus Journey

Short conversation with Kanchan while the leaders had their lunch and we then had the group pictures and made our way down to the base. Probably most of us were tired, the trek down and the bus journey back was a bit dampened. After a quick nap and chai stop where Supriya(also an architect) and Praveen shared their trek stories but in tiny bits (please start writing it guys!! :D), Andy and I conversed about Devil’s circuit, Spartan Race, Ironman, Instagram Influencers, etc. Some songs and conversations about city and IT with Aditya and we reached our drop point. Good bye’s!

Humans of the Trek

Prasthuthi and Abdul-friends from first workplace. First conversations. Prasthuthi shared things about Assam and Abdul about Karnataka.
Mah Mahn Aditya! Such a lively day with this bro. Lots of goofing around with pictures and circus (as Supriya put it :D)
Kanchan, Aniket, our trek leader Praveen and Andy. Lovely conversations with these folks!
Mr. and Mrs. Patil. Ever-young couple who’ve just started their trekking journeys. Inspiring!
Mr. Prakash (call me GP) showing his love for rocks!!

To-Do’s/Thought Experiments

  1. Thought I had good conversations with some, I definitely missed out on conversing with others.
    So, acquaint early, remember names and bios during introductions, learn conversation starters. Do Ice-Breakers.
  2. Picture and a story with every fellow trekker?
  3. Have a template in mind and make use of the go-pro duh!

What Next?

  1. Immediately buy gear
    => Shoes, sleeves, cap, trousers, binoculars(?), glasses, backpack, gels
  2. Kumar Parvat trek on Jan 28th?

Weekly Reflections #1

1. Week Summary
2. Thought Experiments/Ideas
3. 3 Things
4. Resources
5. Photo Collage

Week Summary

  1. Weekday
    => Got whey protein from MuscleBlaze. The Magical Mango flavor tastes really good.
    => Work was good! Some tasks on calculating zoom playback times and CTA’s on website articles using Regex.
    => First podcast at work got released after template additions. Though I am from the engineering team, I’m grateful to have gotten a chance to interview with one of the teachers from the platform
    => Finally got health insurance done for my parents from Max Bupa and I got term insurance from Tata AIG.
    => We lost one of our cyclists from the community due to a drunk driver πŸ™ Stay Safe. Take all necessary precautions like helmets, safety lights/reflectors and avoid roads prone to accidents.
  2. Weekend
    => Went to Uttari Betta trek on Saturday. I felt really really good and rejuvenating! The group bonded really well.
    => Sunday was a lazy morning followed by catching up on long pending application work. Still pending though!
  3. Overall
    => Probably a 6/10. Some old limiting patterns to the forefront but the week trek made me unclutter my mind and made me re-think about things I love doing. And that is why you are seeing this post πŸ™‚

Thought Experiments

  1. Signaling Effect.
    => One of our trek members wore a jacket with IIM-B written on it. Definitely had a signaling effect on me
    => How about I rent/borrow jacket and wear it for the effect πŸ˜€ (Vishu has a ISB jacket btw)
    => Would do 3 things at the least
    1) Signaling Effect
    2) Be a good conversation starter for the other person
    3) And also for me to debunk it myself and continue the conversation
  2. Teaching Delayed Gratification and Finances to a Child
    => Start a fund when child is born. Deposit 500/1000 rupees every month. And when the kid is old enough, explain the effect of compounding and see if he/she can give you back the pocket money to spend it at a later day when it’s value is higher
  3. Personal Branding
    => Have a printed ID card with the usual details along with a QR code. When the person scans it, it directs them to your social profiles and portfolio and showcases the value you offer

3 Things


  1. Stay Safe
    => Omnicorn cases on the rise. Need to sanitize and change masks frequently. Research on work place best practices
    => Accidents on Road. Be sensible while walking on the road and not be immersed in music/podcasts. Always be wary.
  2. More Testing and more trials
    => felt silly after reaching out to a senior for an issue on Javascript async/await/promises.
    => Document more and exhaust all known possibilities
  3. Explore More
    => Many a times I’ve skipped going out on weekends trying to be ‘more productive’ but that’s just a fallacy. The trek on Saturday bought me back to my centering beliefs.
    => Go out more. That’s where the magic happens πŸ™‚


  1. Missing Streaks
    => At least, don’t miss twice in a row
  2. Eating Unhealthy
    => People around might be having outside food. Don’t be tempted
    => Need to think on how to avoid


  1. Grocery Shopping
    => Been postponing the purchase of things like seeds(pumpkin, sunflower, chia), soya, paneer
  2. Morning DeepWork Hours on [Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri]
    => Figure out the tasks before hand and do focused brain work
  3. Setup Mobile phone and go-pro
    => Pixel 5a is on the way and go-pro is already here. Been postponing setting it up. Let’s gooooo!



  1. Naveen John on Working Athlete Podcast
    => Always a bang when NJ is on the podcast. His 4th episode till date.
    => Favorite Takeaways
    1) Defining Baseline levels and peak levels and duration to go from base to peak. Can use this in different aspects of life say interview ready.
    2) Having go-to things so as to not rely on motivation to get you up.
    3) Life is not all ups. It’s about dealing with both ups and downs.
  2. Varun Mayya on New Year Resolutions
    => Favorite Takeaways
    1) The perspective of ‘Need to Master this’ to ‘Need to get comfortable at this’
    2) Being with the group who have already made it

Saved Content

  1. Instagram
    => coach.fatboy’s shredded content and ‘fat-free’ mind
    => Jay Shetty’s post on an old concept but which I actually never did. So saved!
    => Bikey Venky’s rephrasing of NJ’s philosophy mentioned earlier
  2. LinkedIn
    => Nitin Kamath on importance of sleeping well
    => Rohan Jain on working and also enjoying

Photo Bomb

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