Define or Defy

Month: August 2017

Master Orator Championship 2017 Finals

To begin with, this was my first time on a big stage in front of such a large number of crowd. Though always interested in Public Speaking, I was too shy and timid to take that plunge. And why did I take that step this time?
You’ll get to know about that in the video. *wink* *wink*

In this post, I’ll walk you through how I spent my time preparing for the Finals.

4 Days Before The Final

I was still not sure whether to use the same speech which I used in the semi final or go with a new one. Since I was running out of time I decided to go with the previous speech. So I typed the draft and got a printout and started my practice.



My goal was to get at least 75 rehearsals because Confidence is preparation and I needed to give my best for the final on Sunday. On Wednesday, I did 2 rehearsals and on Thursday the same number. All of them going over the deadline of 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Friday I had 7 rehearsals which were very close to the deadline. And my confidence, it started to wane.

So what do we all do when we are in need?
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
I did just that.


A Day Before The Final


I asked my closest friend to help me out with the speech, listen to me and make me better. She gladly accepted. On Saturday, I went to her home which had an empty warehouse and we began our practice there. From 2 in the afternoon till 7 in the evening I gave as many rehearsals as possible. Swathi with her suggestions, helped me improve my modulation, stage presence and aggression.


By evening, I was tired and just before going I went for one last try and it was the worst rehearsal of the day and my confidence, it hit rock bottom. Back to the start!!
I had to go home without any more practice as it was getting late. All throughout the journey back home I kept doubting myself. After reaching home my parents suggested me to get a good nights sleep and practice early in the morning.

The Morning of The Final


I got 7 hours of sleep that night and it worked wonders. My mind was very fresh and rejuvenated. I went to the terrace and my first rehearsal for the day went very well followed by the other rehearsals. Confidence back on track!!
I reached the event venue at 8:45 and the competition was about to start at 10:45 sharp. For the next 40 mins, the contest chair briefed us on the rules and regulations. All the 10 finalists were interviewed by the District Newsletter spokesperson and we also had to fill a couple of forms.



The Last Hour Before The Final


After the formalities all the finalists went out of the auditorium to practice for the speech and it was a blessing in disguise for me. I went on stage and made myself comfortable on it. For almost 10 minutes I walked around the stage, did a couple of hand and calf stretches, walked myself through the speech and made eye contact with the small number of audience who were already seated. The questioning stares, I got myself habituated to those in those 10 minutes.


I also checked my collar mike and its position so that my voice intensity is just right. Then I went to a secluded spot and gave my final 3 rehearsals. All of them went well.

Then to get into the zone I listened to some pumping songs mostly from Eminem and also from Hindi movies like Chak De India, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag and one from MS Dhoni.


Moments Before


After the finalists were declared two weeks before, I went through their facebook profiles. Got intimidated. One was a stand up comedian and another an entrepreneur and two were from Bhavans – one of the best colleges in the city.

So what did I do when the last few moments creep me out?

Since I was the 3rd contestant I had 15 minutes of time before I went on stage and I made full use of it. I took out my notebook and wrote positive affirmations for myself. Not thinking about the competition and just focusing to give my best for those 7 minutes.

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I also practiced the 4-4-4 breathing where I inhaled for 4 seconds, held my breath for 4 seconds and then exhaled for 4 seconds.

Just before my name was to be called, I had a minute to get ready with mike. I went to the sergeant at arms who would help me with the mike and at the back of the stage did a couple of wall pushups, calf stretches and jumped around to get rid of my nervousness. It works wonders. I felt very little nervousness when I went on stage and gave a very fulfilling performance.


After The Speech


There were 7 more contestants after me and each of them amazing!! I was worried naturally. So I took the notebook again and tried to grasp the message of what the speakers were trying to say. Jotting down points and also meanwhile reminding myself that I gave my best and results were not in my hand. That kept me calm throughout.


The Speech




Two questions that bother me a lot

  • What made me win the 2nd place?
  • What made me lose the 1st?


Though I have a couple of answers myself, I want you to give your honest opinion on it. Feel free to leave them out in the comments below or you can message me on Facebook. I would be very glad to hear them and I thank you in advance for your little contribution.


Define or Defy @ MOC-2017

Toastmasters International is an organisation which strives for improving your public speaking skills, communication skills and most importantly, your leadership skills. It has member clubs all over the world and if you would like to change your life in a positive way, Toastmasters is one such great platform.
There are member clubs all over the world and you can find one nearest to you on their website.

I recently participated in the qualifiers of Master Orator Championship 2017 – a public speaking competition organised by the Toastmaster clubs of Telangana and Andra Pradesh, two South Indian states.
Quoting directly from their website :

Master Orator Championship is a hunt for the best orator in the college circuit of the two states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Nagpur and Raipur cities. The students are sieved through multiple rounds of selection starting from qualifiers to the finale where 10 contestants across colleges deliver 5 to 7 minute speeches that are mentored and evaluated by a panel of experienced Toastmasters.

This was my speech for the qualifier round and it got me through 2100 participants to the final 150 for the semi-finals. I later went on to final 10 for the finals.


Every BOLD word illustrates the stress on it.




A very Good Morning everyone (smile)


Before we start, let me ask you ALL (pause) a VERY SIMPLE question.

RAISE your hand as HIGH as you can if you believe (pause) you can be a Master Orator.


Come on, don’t be shy. Nobody is gonna punish you.
(wait for audience)

That’s awesome guys!!


Can you now raise your hand (pause) a little higher!!
LOVELY energy out here.
Thank you guys.

Respected Contest Chair and judges and MY fellow orators (open arms) (pause).

Today I’ll share with you a very enlightening experience I recently had.

How many of you like cycling? (pause)
(wait for audience)

I LOVE cycling. I am an amateur cyclist and I recently took part in a 200 km brevet.

LONG story short (fast pace) (arms wide then close),

I had to complete the last 10 km in the last half an hour.


Normal circumstances??? Piece of cake (smirk)

But now?
I was completely drained. 0 energy. (Show 0 with hands). And worse, I had run out of both food and water.

Now my mind started playing games with me.


GAUTHAM. You’re gonna DIE


GAUTHAM. You shoudl GIVE UP.


GAUTHAM. This is your LIMIT.

Should I give in to my brain? ( pause)

Should I give up on my goal? ( pause)


I could have told myself that this is my limit and it’s OKAY to give up or (low voice) I could push myself. And I did JUST that.
I pumped myself.(fist pumpI SCREAMED.
People’s stares didn’t matter to me because I was focused on my goal. My goal of reaching the finish line. And I did finish my goal.
I completed the 200 km but sadly (pause) I was 7 min late. Just 7 minutes.
Sad ending right??(smile)

Maybe, but I learned something from this.

The Human mind (pause) works in funny ways.

Whenever we face a challenge and we hit a rough spot, the brain tricks us into thinking that THIS IS IT. NOT ANY MORE. THIS IS YOUR LIMIT.


But (pause)


we are FAR from our limits. We haven’t even reached 40% of what we are capable of.
Think of it. Be it mid way during a marathon or working through a tough coding problem, we ALLL face it.
So what do you DO in these circumstances?
Do you give in to your mind and stay in your comfort zone ?
Ladies and Gentlemen!! ( raise hand up)
THIS is our comfort zone and with

THAT extra effort (raise your hand higher and higher) and

THAT extra push is where (pause) the magic happens. (Palm closes)


Only YOU can Define your limits.

And only YOU can Defy your limits.
Define or Defy. Only you can.

I HEARTILY congratulate you ALL for coming out on this Sunday Morning, ALL the way (pause), to speak in front of so many people.

Definitely out of your comfort zone. ( Take a small dramatic step to your right).

I would like to conclude by quoting Neil Armstrong :

A small step (pause) for the present you. (extend a step to the front)

A giant leap (pause) for the future you. (extend welcoming arms and extend feet too).

I wish you all the very best. (smile wide)
Thank you 🙂

Over to contest chair .



Hey Guys, I hope you enjoyed the speech. The finals will be on August 13th and the venue is ISB Hyderbad. Master Orator Championship 2016 (though I did not participate) completely changed my life. It might change yours too.

Tickets will be available on the website in a short while.

And if you loved the post, please do like the post and share it with your friends. Just a small click 🙂 . And please do subscribe for more.

Thank you






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